Your donation can make all the difference for the Berom people. Make that contribution today. [ Click Here ]


Join our cause and become a member today. [ Click Here ]

Welcome to Berom Community North America

We are committed to establishing a bright future for the Berom community in North America and the rest of the world. We call upon individuals to participate in our cause of strengthening the Berom kinship in diaspora through fellowship, activities, and a wide range of programs. We have a rich cultural heritage and strong values that deserve to be advanced in today’s modern world. We desire to bring greater attention to our youth who will soon be spearheading our people’s cause in the future. How can you help? Find out by getting in touch with us today.

Sign Up As a Sponsor

Make a difference in the lives of the Berom people by becoming a sponsor. Any form of help you can give will be appreciated.


Support Our Work

There are plenty of ways to offer your support to the Berom community. Find out how. Your support can help us move forward with our cause.


How You Can Take Action

Take action for the people who deserve a place in our modern world. You can do something to help promote the Berom culture today!


Our Latest Projects

Discover the ways we’ve been helping our Berom brothers and sisters in North America and the homeland.

One of the best ways to help our brothers and sisters is by widening their knowledge.

Let us address and find solutions for the health challenges the Berom community is facing.

people having a meeting

Be Part of Making a Difference

Let your actions bring a positive change to the lives of the Berom community in the diaspora and the homeland. [ LEARN MORE ]